The B-hood

Harmonize our destiny

Doing What We Came To Do!

The Sunday Devotional! - 02/23/25 (Live from the B-hood)!

February 24, 2025 2:51 am

The Latest Sunday Devotional

What is the B-Hood?

A Community of Devotional Artists

The KUUMBA/B-hood Sunday Devotional was created and is delivered by a Community of Devotional Artists who gather to perform music and messages that minister to the soul. The Band of Devotion, WopDatBeDo Singers and a stellar production team have encouraged a growing tribe of people – The B-hood – to join together weekly and harmonize in music and themes of Joy and Loving Kindness. The music is mostly composed by Rickie Byars and is very soulfully delivered by vocalists and musicians. The great Ben Vereen calls the B-hood Sunday Devotional, “A Jam Session in Praise of God.” It’s always good in the B-hood!

Livestreams on Sunday from 10 AM -12 PM, PT.

B-hood with Rickie Byars

Sunday Devotionals

Join Us Live on Youtube & Facebook!
Sundays @ 10 AM, PT

Soul Fulfilling Songs
& Conversations

An intimate midweek meetup with Rickie B & Guests

Soul Fulfilling Songs and Conversations is like meeting at a juice bar with friends who drop in for a sip of reality and soulful singing with Rickie. It is an  intimate midweek gathering of people who enjoy coming to a space where everybody knows your name, and where people are embraced in a mighty HUG of Love. We are more than our mistakes. We are the awesomeness of God and can actually live from that place. Sometimes Rickie has guests who join her and sometimes she flys solo… but whatever… She is singing songs from the heart wrapped in a hearty conversation.

Join Us Live on Facebook & YouTube!
Wednesdays @ 6 PM, PT

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